
Welcome to all of our member schools and settings as well as anyone new visiting our site!
The Bullying Intervention Group runs the national award scheme (now endorsed by Kidscape) to recognise excellence in bullying intervention. Whether your school or service is at the start of your journey or advanced, we can help with the latest in research, best practice, news updates, training and resources.
How does it work?
Schools or other settings become a member and can then access our resources, receive regular newsletters, go for our national anti-bullying award (The BIG Award) as well as gain access to:
The BIG Audit - Surveys for staff, parents and pupils
The Ultimate Peer Support Pack
Anti-bullying pack for anti-bullying week
Girls friendship and bullying issues group work plans
React, respond & restore strategy toolkit
Watch our Director Vicki Lydon talk to Trisha Goddard about bullying on Talk TV
BIG is proud to announce that we are working in partnership with Kidscape, who will endorse our national BIG Award to schools and organisations for excellence in challenging bullying. BIG provides access to resources, lesson plans, pupil surveys, policy checks, a reporting tool, advice and support. Kidscape, as well as BIG, also offer training/workshops for children/young people, staff and parents. Click here to find out more about Kidscape.
Visit our shop to see which membership suits your school or setting and take a look at what else BIG offers too!
BIG Award
Improve your practice
Your school or service can work towards the award with our careful feedback, news updates about everything in this field and examples from others.
We support you with looking at your anti bullying approach in a new way and strengthening your strategies.
Members can run surveys in their school or setting and see what strengths they have as well as areas to develop.
Celebrate your work

Help if you are being bullied
If you are being bullied it’s important that you tell someone you trust.
It doesn’t matter what colour hair you have; what trainers you are wearing; how you speak; how you walk; how you talk – it is not your fault if you get bullied. We are all different in some way and that’s what makes us amazing.
Whether you are a boy or a girl, old or young, big or small – bullying makes you feel rubbish and it’s okay to be upset about it. The important thing is that you tell someone about it.
If you feel you can, talk to a teacher you trust or a family member. If you don’t want to do that you can always call Childline 0800 11 11 or visit www.childline.org.uk.
Write down what happened, when it happened, and who was involved. If the bullying is online, keep the evidence – save or copy any photos, videos, texts, e-mails or posts.
It can be tempting if you are being bullied to take revenge – for example, to send a horrible message back to someone; to try and embarrass and hurt the other person, or to fight back. This is not a good idea – you might end up getting into trouble or get yourself even more hurt.
Think about other ways you can respond to bullying. For example, practice saying ‘I don’t like it when you say that/do that – Stop.’ Think about other people who can help you if you are being bullied – this could be other classmates, or a teacher.
Only spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself. If someone constantly puts you down they are not a real friend/ boyfriend/ girlfriend and not worth your time.
Be kind to yourself, and do things that make you feel good, relax and make new friends. You might make music; write lyrics; draw cartoons; dance; act or join a sports club. This is your life so make sure it’s the best life possible – don’t let anyone bring you down.
Remember to respect other people! Just because someone is different to you and your friends – that doesn’t mean you are better than them or have a right to make them feel bad. If you mess up, say sorry. You don’t have to be friends with everyone – but you should always make it clear that you don’t like it when people bully others, and stick up for people who are having a hard time.