Smile Anti-Bullying Service offers high quality support & training around emotional health and well being topics for staff, parents and c&yp in schools and other organisations across the North East (Based in the North East).
Staff have enhanced DBS certificates.
I can provide service level agreements as well as individual one off sessions.
Your COL/cluster can also buy a block booking of time to share between the schools in your area.
So what can I offer your school or setting?
In the North East of England
The Together Against Bullying Roadshow – Whole school community assembly with parents and governors. Interactive, fun with great messages for the children (Primary only)
NEW! Mental Health Ambassadors - Training session for a group of older pupils in school
NEW! Cyber Ambassadors - Training session to help your young people raise awareness with cyber and e safety issues
Being Friends, Being Different Roadshow – Equality & diversity roadshow highlighting tolerance, kindness and respect.
Group work sessions with target groups to focus on particular issues e.g Self esteem, social skills
Girl/Boy Friendship Workshops – Separated group work to focus on girl/boy friendship issues and respect
Friendship Fixers – Mediation training for pupils to set up a listening post to help resolve conflict
Peer support training for pupils – Traditional buddies/peer supporters or Leisure Leaders (games led program)
In class awareness raising:
Cyber bullying and e safety session – Looking at online behaviour with safety tips
Class respect workshop – Explore bullying and friendship issues with confidence and resilience tips for a whole class
Diversity workshop – Exploring differences and tolerance
And there's more....
Individual pupil support—one to one support for vulnerable pupils
Support in gaining ‘The BIG Award’ – National anti-bullying award
Staff training - lunchtime supervisor training
Whole school approach session with head or anti bullying lead
Testimonials can be accessed here
You can also access our training menu here Smile Anti-Bullying Service Menu
To enquire or arrange a booking please call Vicki on 07870 499275
Training in other parts of the UK
Kidscape offer training across the UK
About Kidscape:
Our vision is for all children to grow up in a world free from bullying and harm, with adults who keep them safe and help them to reach their full potential.
Our mission is to provide children, families, carers and professionals with advice, training and practical tools to prevent bullying and protect young lives.
We are proud that Kidscape endorse our anti-bullying award and we wholeheartedly support them in their fantastic work.
Find out more about Kidscape by clicking the link below.
London & South East Area
John Khan is Co-Director of a Brighton-based organisation Priority 1-54 and as over 22 years experience of working directly with vulnerable children and young people.
Working across the South East, London and beyond john offers high-quality, engaging training opportunities and keynote talks on a wide range of safeguarding issues and though not exhaustive includes:
A Safeguarding Approach to Bullying Behaviour
Safeguarding Children in a Digital World
Bystander behaviour
Understanding Girls’ Friendship Groups, Cliques and Bullying Behaviour
Transition from Primary to Secondary School
Think: Protect: Connect – Prevent Training for Schools and Colleges
Smooth Moves to Secondary School project - free online seminars for schools and practitioners to support the transition from primary to secondary school. Access more information here
Protecting Young People from Harmful Sexual Behaviours
Should you require more information tel: 07846137597 or email:
John Khan – Lead Practitioner for Anti-Bullying, Prevent and Wellbeing
M 07846137597 | E W

Rangers Riding School
This project teaches lifelong transferable skills to children and young people with special needs and disabilities through contact with horses and other animals.
To find out more visit -